The Fitness Academy Athboy – Strength & Conditioning
Warm-up (No Measure)
Pigeon Stretch x 30 sec L/R
Dislocates x 10 (Bands/Pole/Towel)
Jeff Curl
Metcon (Time)
‘Stairway To Hell’
Different options available depending on what equipment you have and/or your level.
Buy In: 200m Run
Ascending Ladder
A) Step Ups or Walking Lunges
(Weighted if Possible)
B) Alt Snatches or G2OH
(Depending on Equipment)
Buy Out: 200m Run
*Complete 200m and then 1 on each leg of A plus 1 on each arm of B or 1 if doing G2OH……then 2 of each, 3 of each etc.
**Finish with 200m Run
Wednesday was last modified: March 17th, 2020 by